South Pole Winter 1959

a dog's day at Pole

Lavern R. (Red) Bauhs, ionosphere, National Bureau of Standards
Edward J. Fremouw, aurora, Air Force Cambridge Research Center
Willis Jacobs, seismology, Coast and Geodetic Survey
Fred H. Mayeda, meteorology, U. S. Weather Bureau
Clarence D. McKenny, meteorology, U. S. Weather Bureau
Julian W. Posey, meteorology, scientific leader, U. S. Weather Bureau
Howard D. Redifer, meteorology, U. S. Weather Bureau
Benjamin F. Remington, meteorology, U. S. Weather Bureau

Nello A. Bambini, UT1, utilities man
Clarence N. Engel, Jr., BU1, builder
Donald A. Finlayson, RM1, radioman
Jerry W. King, CE1, electrician
Donald A. Kitchen, CS1, cook
Norman E. Owens, RM2, radioman
Thomas E. Smith, ET2, electronics
Jack Stroud, CM1, mechanic
Sidney Tolchin, LT, MC, OIC/medical officer

This photo is by the late Fred Mayeda, provided by his family.
Here is the full size unedited photo.

Names from 90° South by Paul Siple, © 1959 by
Paul Siple; published by G. P. Putnam's
Sons, New York; and the
Antarctic Report (NSF), 1959