Building the Dome (continued)

the first power plant module on its foundation

The above photo is actually from 1972-73, as the dome was still being assembled. This is the first of the Emerson Diesel power plant modules on its foundation...this one housed engine #1 along with the day tank and those CO2 bottles. (from the dome erection folder on the Pole common drive)

arch erection

At right, early in the 1973-74 season, the back part of Biomed is being assembled along with the biomed arch. NSF photo from Jerry Marty

the view from the construction camp

At left is a much more distant view looking through the arches towards the beginning of the Biomed construction. NSF photo by Rolf Bionert

the biomed arch being installed

A bit later, the Biomed structure and arch are being completed...based on events in the late 1990s, this clinic became famous. NSF photo from Jerry Marty

During 1973-74, the Navy (NMCB-71) continued construction on the arches and above-surface structures, while Holmes and Narver (H&N) worked on utilities in the utilidor and elsewhere, as well as the fuel system.

down and dirty

At left, at the other end of the arches, the floor panels in the garage/carpenter shop/gym are being installed. NSF photo from Jerry Marty

garage/carp shop/gym building assemblyAt right, assembling the carpenter shop/gym building panels. The opening in the side of the garage arch will be the passage to the helium arch. NSF photo from Jerry Marty


the dome power plant as new
A bit further down the arches, here (left) is the power plant being assembled, the 353 engines are visible through the doors. Caption: "19 Nov 73, View showing van being constructed under arch at South Pole Station, Antarctica, Official U.S. Navy Photograph by PH2 Frank J. Mitchell, USN." photo from Bob Nyden

crates of good stuff
All of the construction cargo had to fit inside of an LC-130...the station structures were designed and built by ATCO (the Alberta Trailer Company, whose camps were later used to build the Alaska Pipeline as well as the permanent runway at Rothera). Some ground floor portions of the buildings such as this one were delivered assembled; the upper floors and interior sections were shipped prefabricated and knocked down. At right is another mystery photo from the Pole Souls darkroom archive; EO3 Jim Burke of NMCB-71 is driving the 955.

little boxes
Left, another crate being unloaded. VXE-6 delivered more than 50 crates or modules to Pole. AJ 3/75

the last van delivered

And here at right is the hero shot documenting the delivery of crate #50. photo by Ralph Lewis

frame up

Here is what was going on under the dome. At left, looking from the emergency exit towards the galley, in the foreground is a stack of doors. NSF photo, AJ 1/74 

the new comms

And at right is the comms building, shown here with the temporary stack from the oil heater inside the first floor. These heaters (and lots of stovepipe) were furnished for construction heat as well as for emergency service if permanent power went down. The heaters were poor substitutes for Preways and fortunately disappeared quickly. Some of the round openings for the stacks were still evident on walls of the station buildings. US Navy photo, AJ 3/75

where to store the trash

A bit later in the 1973-74 season, here's the helium arch being erected (left). The garage arch has been completed, with the end wall installed. Not in the right place, it was discovered recently. It seems that the new garage and power plant arches were designed to align with the end of the original garage arch; when these were built it was discovered that they didn't line up, one ring had been left off of the original garage arch. So a piece was added from the demo'd helium/cargo arch to make things right. NSF photo (and trivia) from Jerry Marty

no drifts yet

The station from the northeast, here is the fuel arch. This U.S. Navy photo was taken on 4 February 1974 by PH1 K. Thorneley.

the new station at the beginning of the 74-75 season

This view (left) of the garage/helium arch end of the station was taken at the very beginning of the 74-75 season, before significant landscaping or construction had started. The radome on top of BIT was moved over from Old Pole a few weeks after this photo was taken. from Bob Nyden

blue room
A unique low aerial view of the new station in the 1974-75 summer. At right, attached to the power plant arch, is the original snow harvesting system, a conveyer belt that was supposed to keep the stainless steel tank in the power plant full of water. Not. NSF photo from Elena Marty

the dome is home

The photo at left is from the cover of the March/April 1975 Antarctic Journal which included the feature article on what we knew as the "new South Pole Station." You can read the article here as a part of an archive of Jeff Kietzmann's "save the dome" web site, later updated by 2001 winter site manager Jerry Macala...well, I need to update this page to my archive copy with the photos from that Antarctic Journal article).