South Pole Winter 1989

here we are
  Top: Bill Coughran, Dwight Olyear, Dennis O'Neill, Brent Jones, Steve Midlam, Glenn Nielsen, Dan Frank,
Pat Schaefer, Doug Chichester, Betsy Crozier, Dan Durick, Mark Parent, John Gushwa, Jordan Dickens

Bottom: Ray Brudie, Rod Jensen, Alistair Walker, John Gress, Mark Winey, Dave Bieganski


The list:

Bieganski, David, geophysics, U. S. Geological Survey,
Brudie, Raymond E., carpenter, ITT/ANS
Chichester, Douglas, station science leader, geophysics,
   U. S. Geological Survey
Coughran, William A., station manager, ITT/ANS
Crozier, Elizabeth, LTJG, NOAA Corps, atmospheric research,
   National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
Dickens, Jordan L., power plant mechanic, ITT/ANS
Durick, Daniel K., computer technician, ITT/ANS
Frank, Daniel L., communications technician, ITT/ANS
Gress, John F., science technician, ITT/ANS
Gushwa, John B., materialsperson, ITT/ANS
Jensen, Rodney A., general maintenance mechanic, ITT/ANS
Jones, J. Brent, communications coordinator, ITT/ANS
Midlam, Steve J., cook, ITT/ANS
Nielsen, Glenn A., meteorological technician, ITT/ANS
O'Neill, Dennis D., heavy equipment mechanic, ITT/ANS
Oylear, Dwight E., electrician, ITT/ANS
Parent, Mark J., meteorologist, ITT/ANS
Schaefer, Patricia K., physician, ITT/ANS
Walker, Alistair, atmospheric physics, University of Delaware
Winey, Mark, atmospheric research, National Oceanic and
   Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

Photo scanned from the original at Pole, September 2005
(larger file size, 332k) (larger formats available)

List source: Antarctic Journal (NSF), Volume 24, No. 2, June 1989,
   and Dennis O'Neill