South Pole Winter 1988

Hi Mom!

The list:

Breckinridge, John, meteorologist, ITT/ANS
Burnette, Edward, electrician, ITT/ANS
Constantine, Michael, station manager, ITT/ANS
Contreras, Sergio, communications technician, ITT/ANS
Down, Jeffrey, senior cook, ITT/ANS
Enzenbacher, Debra, senior materials person, ITT/ANS
Fay, Thomas, mechanic, general maintenance, ITT/ANS
Lux, Paul, heavy equipment mechanic, ITT/ANS
Manuel, Gregory, geophysics, U. S. Geophysical Survey
Monaco, Susan, communications coordinator, ITT/ANS
Mullen, Ted, atmospheric research, meteorology, National
   Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
Perkins, Holmes, power plant mechanic, ITT/ANS
Poston, Lt. Robert, atmospheric research - meteorology,
   National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
Shen, Bernard, MD - physician, ITT/ANS
Smith, Nigel, atmospheric physics, University of Delaware
Storey, Christopher, meteorology technician, ITT/ANS
Van Bui, Hien, computer technician, ITT/ANS
Wallack, Edward, atmospheric physics, University of Delaware
Wong, Eric, geophysics, U. S. Geophysical Survey

Photo scanned from the original at Pole, September 2005
(larger file size, 392k) (larger formats available)

List source: Antarctic Journal (NSF), Vol. 23, No. 3, September 1988