South Pole Winter 1987

what's cookin'?
        Standing, left to right: Barry Charles Goldberg, Marty Foss, Jim Keller, Glenn Nielsen,
          Leonard Lawbaugh, Kevin Linn, Scott Kuester, Steve Bonine, Stan Wisneski, Ken Murphy

        Sitting, left to right: Pat Reitelbach, Eric Merriam, Aaron Walters, Peter Vossenberg,
          Nancee Shaffner, Greg Litten, Rick Hyatt

                   The above photo was received from Aaron Walters, February 2006
                          larger version, 502k (larger versions available)

                                        Here's an earlier version:        
where's Stan?
Steve Bonine is the guy standing in the first row center with the 
white hat. Stan Wisneski was a late replacement and didn't make this
late summer photo, which includes the guy he replaced and omits
NOAA guy Scott Kuester. Photo and corrections thanks to Greg Littin
with assistance from Aaron Walters, 1/06. Here's the official list: 

Bonine, Steven J., station manager, ITT/ANS
Foss, Martin L., electrician, ITT/ANS
Goldberg, Barry, S-019 , ITT/ANS
Hyatt, Richard W., meteorologist technician, ITT/ANS
Keller, James E., communication operator, ITT/ANS
Kuester, Scott E., National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Lawbaugh, Lyle L., communication technician, ITT/ANS
Linn, Kevin A., heavy equipment operator, ITT/ANS
Littin, Greg R., geophysics, U. S. Geological Survey
Merriam, Eric B., carpenter, ITT/ANS
Murphy, Kenneth W., Jr., geophysics, U. S. Geological
Nielsen, Glenn A., meteorologist, ITT/ANS
Reitelbach, Patrick J., National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Schaffner, Nancee L., physician, ITT/ANS
Vossenberg, Peter F., cook, ITT/ANS
Walters, Aaron R., power plant mechanic, ITT/ANS
Wisneski, Stanley P., senior materials person, ITT/ANS

List source: Antarctic Journal (NSF), Volume 22, No. 1/2,
March/June 1987.

These photographs were not at Pole in 2005 but should be now.