Back row left to right: Tom Henderson, USGS seismic and satellites; Yuri Latov, Russian scientist; Mark Vanderiet, NOAA; Jimmy Hopper, heavy equipment mechanic; John Dalton, upper atmosphere scientist; Phil Sandburg, meteorologist; Robert Williscroft, NOAA officer; Ed Zawlocki, long-wave seismic survey; Mike Nelson, power plant mechanic; Larry Antonuk, electronics technician. Front row left to right: John Roseburg, physician; Arliss Thompson, communications lead; Marc Levesque, materialsman; Merrianne Bell, cook; Robert John (RJ) Bragg, facilities engineer; Kathy Covert, USGS seismic and satellites; Pat Kraker, station manager; Eric Siefka, communication tech. Here's another version:The top photo was scanned from the original at Pole, September 2005 (larger file size, 286k) (larger formats available). The caption with the names is courtesy Kathy Covert, the lower signed photo is thanks to Robert Williscroft...he has an excellent page of photos here. And the rest of the help with the names came from Mark Vanderiet, thanks! |