South Pole Winter 1978

1978 winterovers

The list of winterovers:

01. Charlie Abner  - Cook, Holmes and Narver
02. Steve Barnard - Surface Aerosol Observations (Hogan) - SUNY Albany
03. Kevin Bisset - Meteorological Technician - NZMS, NZARMY
04. Doug Carlson - Heavy Equipment Mechanic - Holmes and Narver
05. Bob Countryman - Gravity (Slichter) - UCLA
06. Ron Demers - Station Electrician - Holmes and Narver
07. Gary Foltz - SAT-TRACK - USGS
08. R. M. Galkin - USSR - Geomagnetism
09. Joe Humphries - Respiratory Virus Studies (Muchmore) - Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation
10. John Keegan - Communications - Holmes and Narver
11. Warren Lincoln - Power Plant Mechanic - Holmes and Narver
12. Cary McGregor - Air Sampling for Trace Elements (Zoller) - University of Maryland
13. Doug McIntosh - Station Doctor - Holmes and Narver
14. Mike Metzgar - SAT-TRACK - USGS
15. John Osborn - NOAA/ARL-GMCC (now CMDL) Station Chief/SSL
16. Mike Pavlak - Station Manager - Holmes and Narver
17. John Raleigh - Supply - Holmes and Narver
18. Hans Ramm - NOAA/WPL (now ETL) - Boulder, CO
19. Dennis Riggens - COSRAY (Pomerantz) - Bartol Research Foundation
20. Fred Rohe - Facilities Engineer - Holmes and Narver
21. Larry Smith - NOAA/ARL-GMCC (now CMDL) Electronic Technician
22. John Waller - Meteorologist - NZMS

With thanks to John Osborn, Mike Pavlak, Kevin Bisset, and Bob Countryman for the names...

The photo is from Mike Metzgar, it was taken on the day of station closing, 10 February 1978.

I had some difficulty getting the colors right in this photo, so I've included a couple of
edited versions. And I asked Mike Metzgar and a couple of other folks if they could ID the
folks in the picture with not much result. I can say that Mike Pavlak is at left in the back
row, and John Keegan is fifth from right in the green military field jacket and a brown fur hat.

Here's the original that I received from Mike Metzgar.

a PSD (Photoshop) file where I've flipped and cropped it and removed most of the dust.

another PSD version after I tried to adjust the color.

the PSD version of the above photo after using a newer software version. I concentrated on the
people/faces rather than the station.

The PSD files are almost 6 mb each (and won't open unless you've got some version of Photoshop
or Photoshop Elements. I think I've got the flesh tones of the faces down pretty well in the
final photo but the other colors are off a bit. Perhaps someone else can do a bit better at
editing this than I can...]

Sad notes, friend Mike Pavlak died in January's his obituary. I was in touch with Mike
until shortly before his death, and I am now in touch with his awesome wife Cathy who is living in
Virginia; they did not marry until after his Pole winter. And Kevin Bisset, a Kiwi NZ Met observer,
died in January 2015 (obituary).