South Pole Winter 1975

the first ones

Back row (standing) l to r - Bill Smythe, Steve Kott, Jon Sorenson, Stu Rawlinson, Tom Plyler, Ralph Boschert, Larry Duckett, Joe Parr, and Carlis Nunn

Front row (kneeling) l to r - Rob Hamilton, Dick Maestas, Mike Hummer, Bruce Morley, Ken Martinsson, Dick Wolak, Bruce Fitch, and George Engeman

Boschert, Ralph G., doppler research/satellite tracking, USGS
Duckett, Larry, cook, H&N
Engeman, George, geophysical monitoring, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Fitch, Bruce, meteorology, University of California Davis
Hamilton, Robert, meteorology - station science leader, University of California Davis
Hummer, Michael G., M.D. biomedicine -station physician, Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation, H&N
Kott, Stephen, geophysical monitoring, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Maestes, Richard, meteorology, National Weather Service
Martinsson, Kenton, meteorology, National Weather Service
Morley, Bruce, meteorology, University of Nevada
Nunn, Carliss, station engineer, H&N
Parr, Joe, communications, H&N
Plyler, Cy Thomas (Tom), power plant mechanic, H&N
Rawlinson, Stuart, supplyman, H&N
Smythe, William, geophysics, University of California Los Angeles
Sorenson, Jon E., doppler research/satellite tracking, USGS/University of Texas
Wolak, Richard J., station manager, H&N

The above photo was scanned from the original at Pole, September 2005
(larger file size, 308k) (larger formats available)
Photo caption and name help from Dick Wolak;
List source: Antarctic Journal (NSF), July-August 1975.

In 2005, the above photo was mounted in this frame (it was reframed by
Andy Martinez in 2007 to hang in the hallway of the elevated station).