Martin A. Pomerantz

Pomerantz Land

This illustration of Dr. Pomerantz at Pole is from this 1999 article from the UDaily (University of Delaware
newspaper). The illustration is actually a 1986 oil painting by Stephen G. Tanis, an art professor at the
University of Delaware. This "solar polar" site was originally constructed during 1980-81, 4 miles south of the
station. Various experiments were conducted here through 1994-95.

here comes the sun???

This real photograph of Martin at the telescope was taken during the 1986-87 season (AJ 12/87) He was
awarded the Distinguished Public Service Award, NSF's highest honor, at Pole on January 6, 1987.

Here is Dr. Pomerantz's obituary from the UDaily. The Bartol Research Institute is now part of the University of Delaware; this UD article archive had earlier information about Dr. Pomerantz and his wife, although the article photograph is not available.