South Pole Winter 1996

all dressed up
       Here's another version from Simon Hart:
more crazy pole folks

Back row (l to r): Jason Dorpinghaus, Paul Lux, Dan Potter, William Arens, Mike Slack, Jeff Otten,
   Michael Shandrick, Chris Bero, Kerry Vigue
Middle Row: Simon Balm, Nancy Tanner, Elisabeth Grillo, Scott Konu, Lesley Ogden, Tim Coffey, Simon
   Hart, Dan Ireland, Jamie Lloyd
Front Row: Bob Farrell, Tom Edwards, Jean Kelley, Jaime Gallo, Mike Salasek, Betty Carlisle, Katherine
   Caesar, Ric Ramos

The complete list...

William Arens, Science Technician, ASA
Simon Balm, AST/RO Project (Grantee)
Katharine Caesar, Materials Person, ASA
Betty Carlisle, Doctor, ASA
Chris Bero, CARA Project (Grantee)
Tim Coffey, Station Manager, ASA
Jason Dorpinghaus, Materials Person, ASA
Tom Edwards, Heavy Equipment Mechanic, ASA
Bob Farrell, Materials Supervisor, ASA
Jaime Gallo, Communications Technician, ASA
Elisabeth Grillo,  Meteorology Technician, ASA
Simon Hart, AMANDA Project(Grantee)
Dan Ireland, Meteorology Technician, ASA
Jeanne Kelley, Science Technician, ASA
Scott (Snack Bar) Konu, Waste Mgmt./Equip.Operator, ASA
Jamie Lloyd, CARA Project (Grantee)
Paul Lux, Power Plant Mechanic, ASA
Lesley Ogden, Network Administrator, ASA
Jeff Otten, NOAA Technician
Dan Potter, AMANDA Project (Grantee)
Ric Ramos, NOAA Supervisor
Mike Salasek, SEH Coordinator, ASA
Michael Shandrick, Maintenance/Utilities, ASA
Mike Slack, Mapcon/CTS Programmer, ASA
Nancy Tanner, Cook, ASA
Kerry Vigue, Electrician, ASA

The top photo and caption were scanned from the original at Pole, September 2005 (larger file, 388k)
(larger formats available). The photo is by Mike Salasek; the list is from William Arens.