South Pole Winter 1995 play ball 1995
The list:

Booth, Johan F., ASA
Buesser, Emily C., ASA
Chamberlin, Richard A., Jr., CARA: Antarctic
 submillimeter telescope and remote sensing
 observatory (AST/RO), Smithsonian
 Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge,
Charpentier, Paul J., Rayleigh and sodium lidar
 studies of the troposphere, stratosphere, and
 mesosphere of Amundsen-Scott South Pole
 Station, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois
Cleavelin, Christopher L., ASA
Cuddy, Katherine A., ASA
Dunn, Alton G., III, ASA
Freeman, Gary E., ASA
Hampton, Drew D., ASA
Jones, Andrew R., Probing the solar interior and
 atmosphere from the geographic South Pole, 
National Optical Observatory, Tucson, Arizona
Koester, David A., ASA
Lee, Robert E., Jr., ASA
Lloyd, James P., CARA: South Pole infrared
 explorer (SPIREX),University of Chicago,
 Chicago, Illinois
Logan, Andrew D., ASA
Logan, Diana J., ASA
Lutz, Jeffrey S., ASA
Makarov, Nikolai A., Planetary waves in the
 antarctic mesopause region, University of
 Colorado, Boulder, Colorado
Masterman, Michael F., Cosmic Background
 Radiation Anistropy (COBRA), Carnegie-Mellon
 University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
McAfee, Billy M., Jr., ASA
McNitt, Katharine A., South Pole monitoring
 for climate change, National Oceanic and
 Atmospheric Administration, Climate
 Monitoring and Diagnostics Laboratory,
 Boulder, Colorado
Otten, Jeffrey C., South Pole monitoring for climate
 change, National Oceanic and
 Atmospheric Administration, Climate
 Monitoring and Diagnostics Laboratory,
 Boulder, Colorado
Parlin, John T., ASA, station manager
Pokrob, Albert G., ASA
Sharp, Kathie A.H., ASA
Smith, Johnny P., ASA
Stathis, Martha K., ASA
Sverdrup, Eileen K., ASA
Tatley, Thomas J., ASA

Photo scanned September 2005 from the original at Pole...
(larger file size, 328k) (larger formats available).
List from the Antarctic Journal (NSF) vol. 30, 1995.