South Pole Winter 1990

to the party

             A captioned version:
The list:

Ayres, David, meteorologist, ASA
Barber, Jon Kelly, heavy equipment mechanic, ASA
Carr, Roger, power plant mechanic, ASA
Collins, Richard, grantee: "Laser radar studies of the
atmosphere," University of Illinois   
Crabtree, Leigh, communications technician, ASA
Fay, Thomas, station manager, ASA
Finnemore, Michael H., grantee: "Observation of high-
   energy gamma ray sources from the South Pole"
   (SPASE), University of Delaware
Folger, Lora, communications coordinator, ASA
Groenevelt, Carl R., grantee: "Global Monitoring for
   Climate Change, antarctic research program," National
   Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Environmental
   Research Laboratories, Boulder, Colorado
Hughes, Kathryn, meteorologist technician, ASA
Kauffman, Sanford, science technician, ASA
Knebel, Tim, electrician, ASA
Moreau, Jean, physician, ASA
Nugent, Ronald, general maintenance mechanic, ASA
Rogan, Michelle R., grantee: "Geodesy and seismology,"
   U. S. Geological Survey, Reston, VA (first woman SSL)
Schrom, Frederick J., grantee: "Global Monitoring for
   Climate Change, antarctic research program," National
   Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Environmental
   Research Laboratories, Boulder, Colorado
Sliter, Ray, grantee: "Geodesy and seismology," U. S. 
   Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia
Sterling, Ian, cook, ASA
Sulyma, Robert, materialsperson, ASA
Thomison, Frank, computer technician, ASA

Photo scanned from the original at Pole, September 2005
(larger file size, 370k) (larger formats available)

Captioned photo thanks to Michelle Rogan-Finnemore

(list source: Antarctic Journal (NSF) vol. 25, Number 2,
   June 1990) with help from Lora Folger