South Pole Winter 2022

2022 winterovers

Here's the 2022 winterover photo...this happened in late September at the Ceremonial Pole...and
I count all 44 souls! This photo is by Jeff Keller. A larger file size photo is here. Oh...the deets:

June Apostol
Anthony Barge
Moreno Baricevic
Sarah Boukoms
Zane Burnett
Andrew Burton
Ana Carlson
Aman Chokshi
Tyler Chubb
Laura Cifelli
Matt Davis
Mark Dellandre
Robin Delong
Jeff De Rosa
Tony Durick
Allen Foster
Eric Hansen
Jeff Keller
Elliot Klar
Seva Kotlyar
Troy Leighton
Thomas Leps
Josh Leyba
Karsten Look
Tim Lynch
Celas Marie-Sainte
Ace Metivier
Sam Millar
Greg Mineau
Kyle Morrison
Golden Muller
Kelly Murphy
Bailey Nordin
Rich Overbeck
Dennis Perkins
Hector Plaza
Will Skorski
Grey Skythe
Justin VanCott-Hamish
Mariann VanDenElzen
John-Michael Watson
Logan Wedum
Jonathon (Jonny) Weise
Niko Winegarner

This year's midwinter events on Sunday 19 June included not only a big dinner, but also a masquerade ball! !
2022 midwinter dinner
Here's a look at folks ready for dinner, many in costume. Photo by Laura Cifelli.
bill of fare
And here is the dinner menu.
the masquerade ball participants
Here's the crowd at the masquerade ball. Well, I guess masks were optional (photo by Aman Chokshi).

the 2022 midwinter South Pole greeting card
And here's the 2022 midwinter Pole greeting that was sent around to the other Antarctic
stations...a composite photo described as a "slice of life" at Pole. Created by Jeff Keller.

For the sunrise celebration, instead of a dinner, there was a special Sunday brunch on Sunday 18 September. The theme was tie-dye,
to honor the late Johan Booth, who wintered at Pole 14 times not to mention 6 winters at Palmer. Johan left us on 29 June 2022.
Sunday sunrise brunch
The Sunday brunch from IceCuber Wenceslas Marie-Sainte.
the sunrise brunch menu
...and the menu.

the sunrise brunch scene in the galley
The sunrise celebration scene with the flag ceremony; photo by Hector Plaza.