South Pole Winter 2021

2021 winterovers

Above, the winterover photo, taken on 27 September in the dark sector by Matt Young and Danielle Simmons. 37 of the 39 winterovers
are depicted. Here's an overlightened version that better shows the faces. The full size photo is now in the USAP photo library. Who are all these folks?

Brandon Amat
Ryan Betters
Matthew Butcher
Joseph Days
Brandon Ferraro
George Gordon
Ryan Guitierrez
Timothy Holland
Josiah Horneman
Travis Kamiya
Jeff Keller
Timothy Korcal
John (Mikey) Lee
Ted Lee
Lester Lemon
Thomas Leps
Joseph Litts
Martin Marcuse
Mark Mican
Lisa Michelli-Endlich
Chris Nelson
Reginald Persival
David Pernic
Clint Perrone
Alexandra (Sasha) Rahlin
Joseph Samaniego
Sheryl Seagraves
Danielle Simmons
Joseph Singleton
Katharine Smith
Morgan Steward
Clint Perrone
Antoinette (Toni) Traub
Calvin Tsai
Joshua Veitch-Michaelis
Jonathon Weise
Alyssa Whoaa
Martin Wolf
Matthew Young

The midwinter dinner celebration this year was on Thursday 18 June!
wax sealed invitation
Individual invitations included a secret password...
sealed invitation
...which was enclosed in a wax-sealed envelope that included an individual coin.
the menu
The amazing menu! I'll spare you photos of the 10 courses!
the table before dinner
The table before dinner. These 4 photos are from Sheryl Seagraves.
the dinner in progress
The meal in progress. Winter site manager Ryan Betters is at the head of the table. Photo from Martin Wolf.
the 2021 kitchen team
The kitchen crew responsible for the midwinter feast...from left: Brian Tamm, Lisa Minelli-Endlich, and Mark Mican. Photo from Lisa.
the seven woman winterovers
Also worth sharing, this photo of the seven women who are wintering
in 2021. Standing from left: Katharine Smith, Lisa Minelli-Endlich,
Alexandra Rahlain, Danielle Simmons. Seated: Antoinette Traub, Alyssa
Whoaa, Sheryl Seagraves. Photo from Martin Wolf.

the 2021 midwinter greeting
The 2021 Midwinters Day greeting card photo featuring the midwinter dinner crowd! The photo could
serve as the greeting card sent to the other Antarctic stations as the dinner was held on Friday 18 June.
the greeting card photo
Here is a closer look at the greeting card photo which was taken by Matt Young.