South Pole Winter 2020

the 2020 winterovers
The 2020 winterover photo, created by Yuya Makimo! And ALL of the 42 winterovers were present!
the 2020 winterovers

the 2020 winterover photo on the wall in A3
The above brass plate which identifies the 2020 winterovers also gives credit to the late Steele Diggles...who wintered five times (2009, 2011, 2013, 2018, and 2019) and as of the end of January 2020 was scheduled to winter this year. I never met him, but we were friends and had been in touch.

At left, a small view of the winterover photo on the hallway wall in A3. Astute Polies will note that it is hanging on the downwind wall.

The photo at left and the above nameplate photo are from Zeke Mills.

Here's the unedited full size photo (14 mb).

Oh, there was a midwinter dinner on Saturday 20 June...
appetizers before dinner
Hors d'oeuvres before dinner!
the dinner menu
And the dinner menu.
Midwinter dinner 2020
AND the assembled crowd, seated and ready for dinner!
the main course
The main course...
the extra table
...the 4 empty chairs for Polies who are no longer with us.
the kitchen crew that made the midwinter dinner possible
Here's the kitchen crew that made everything possible: from left: Danny
Hampton, Caithlin Hull, Zeke Mills, and Ben Larson!

These midwinter dinner photos were shared by Yuya Makino.

the 2020 midwinter greeting
Halfway through the season! Here's the 2020 Midwinters Day greeting card photo! Winter site manager Wayne White said that this card was created by steward Danny Hampton...and that significant Photoshop was if the photo had actually been taken at the geographic South Pole marker with folks dressed like that, they would have been dead in minutes! Also...taking such a photo outdoors in winter would require everyone to hold their breath, otherwise the ice fog created by exhalations would mess up the photo! Happy Solstice to all!