The 2010 Pole Marker

look closely below the surface

A larger view of the latest marker, created during the 2009 winter and installed at the Geographic Pole on 1 January 2010.

Here are a couple more views of Steele Diggles' bronze and aluminum fabrication...the lower portion of the marker features a representation of 43 glass digital optical modules (DOMs) representing the IceCube project, as well as the 43 winterovers, whose names are inscribed on the pole.

glass balls

want to see the etching?

pass down the line
The 1 January ceremony featured a chain of Polies who passed the new geographic marker to its new location.
a new year at Pole
Another view of the event...
this must be the place

Here's the new location.
The event, along with more information on the history of the South Pole markers, was published in this 1 January 2010 Antarctic Sun article. All of these photographs are by Forest Banks, most are in the USAP Antarctic Photo Library.

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