Weekly Climate Summary for 09 June 2012 through 15 June 2012 UTC
South Pole Station, Antarctica 

Average temp... -63.5°C / -82.3°F
Maximum temp... -51.1°C / -60.0°F on day 15 
Minimum temp... -74.1°C / -101.4°F on day 13 

Average wind speed.......... 12.0 mph or 10.4 knots
Prevailing wind direction... Grid North
Maximum wind speed.......... 33 mph or 29 knots on day 15 
Maximum wind direction...... Grid Northeast
Average vectored wind....... 072 degrees at 6.8 knots

Station Pressure:
Average pressure... 682.2 mb
Highest pressure... 692.4 mb on day 15 
Lowest pressure.... 673.1 mb on day 13 

Average physio-alt = 10545 ft/ 3214 m
Highest physio-alt = 10890 ft/ 3319 m on day 13 
Lowest physio-alt = 10164 ft/ 3098 m on day 15 

Sky Cover:
Average cloud cover (8ths)... 3 
Days clear................... 3 
Days partly cloudy........... 4 
Days cloudy.................. 0 

Sunrise on 20 September 2012
Average hours per day... 0.0
Percent of possible..... 0

1 days with visibility of 1/4 mile or less.

Balloon flight data:
Number of soundings for the week..... 7 
Average height of soundings.......... 75.4 mb, or 18290 meters
Highest sounding..................... 7.1 mb, or 29472 meters
on day 14/00Z flight

0 soundings were missed.

11th: The temperature of -73.8°C/-100.8°F broke the previous minimum temperature record of -73.3°C/-99.9°F set in 1966.