South Pole Winter 2018

2018 winterovers
Above, the 2018 winterover photo, by Hans Boenish. With a celestial event going on overhead, the 28 July total lunar eclipse, which was only total between 0730 and 0913 SP time. Hans reported that the temperature was -55ºF, with winds of 25 knots gusting to 32 knots. BRRR! Oh, the other celestial object above the eclipsed Moon is the planet Mars. Here's a larger view of Mars and the Moon by Johannes Werthebach.

The forty 2018 winterovers are...

 Malcolm Arnold
Denise Atwood
Joshua Blattel
Hans Boenish
Zane Burnett
Raffaela Busse
Dennis Calhoun
Steele Diggles
Tony Durick
Dan Ellis
Patrick Finnegan
Hans Boenish
Cherisa Friedlander
Luis Antonio Gonzalez
Peter Gougeon
Janelle Hakala
Adam Hopper
Bill Johnson
Adam Jones
Travis Kamiya
Brent Kunzler
Lester Lemon
Zeke Mills
Joshua Montgomery
Kyle Morrison
Aaron Phelps
Ray Reed
Michael Rueb
Steve Sanders
Ben Sawyer
Robert Schwarz
Sabrina Shemet
Ta-Lee Shue
Robert Streeter
Marco Tortonese
Fabian Valdez
Ted Violette
Kim Williams
David Wolf
Eric Woolley

the 2018 Pole midwinter greeting

Above, the midwinter greeting card that was sent out to all of the other Antarctic stations.

Midwinter photo of the 2018 winterovers
Here's a larger view of the greeting card photo, which was taken on the observation deck above DA by Johannes Werthebach. More than one cardboard dinosaur has been sighted at Pole this winter.

the 2018 midwinter dinner menu

Here's the menu for the midwinter dinner, which was held on Saturday 23 June.
The awesome dinner was orchestrated by head chef Zeke Mills (who shared
this photo), with lots of help!

the 2018 midwinter dinner
And here's Robert Schwarz's photo of the folks waiting for dinner.