South Pole Winter 2016

the 2016 Polies

Above...the winterover photo. Yes, it was taken before the medevac, so all 48 Polies are represented. With thanks to Robert Schwarz!
Here's the full size version (5500 x 4000 pixels/8.6mb).

the 2016 midwinter greeting card

Despite the preparations underway for the medevac, the station DID take time to celebrate
the midwinter's their greeting card, thanks to photographer Robert Schwarz!

midwinter dinner menu
The midwinter dinner menu.
Polies perusing the menu
Some of the Polies perusing the menu.
the main course
What they were waiting for...this looks like the buffalo steak!
Note that the two dinner/food photos above are courtesy Max Peters and Hannah McAllister...thanks!