South Pole Winter 2014

the 2014 winterovers

Above...the winterover photo...I don't need to tell you the temperature. But that cold required perhaps 100 takes before nobody was breathing out a cloud of ice fog. With credit and thanks to photographer Robert Schwarz. Here's the real deal (4.5 mb).

2014 midwinter photo
Here's the 2014 Pole midwinter greeting card.

2914 w/o's in B3
Here is a larger view of the Polie gathering. The original plan was to take an outside photo, but weather didn't
permit this. Signs of toast are clearly evident.

Below, the 41 intrepid Polies who survived the winter night:

  Jessica Barder
Ryan Boggs
Johan Booth
Lyndsay Brock
Robert Citron
Christian Clark
David Curtis
Bartley Davis
Shelly Finley
Kaycee Flaugher
Amy Frye
Jais Gossman
Rodney Hallapy
John Hammon
Robert Hase
Michael Helm
Nicholas Huang
Travis Kamlya
Matthew Krahn
Dag Larsen
Charles Leachet
Douglas Leiting
Greg Letscher
Ben Marine
William Morris
Joe Musachia
Benjamin Norman
Stephanie Olcott
Nicholas Papke
Joseph Phillips
Ian Rees
Kathleen Ryan
Derek Sargent
Neal Scheibe
Robert Schwarz
Jack Sharp
Chase Stearn
Ray Sundby
Clair Von Handorf
Chet Waggoner
Richard Young