South Pole Winter 2013

2013 winterover photo
Above, the 2013 winterover photo...with a unique look! There were several photos taken, and a vote was held--
the image above by Felipe I. Pedreros Bustos was selected. SCOARA machinist Steele Diggles created an amazing
frame to complete the display, as seen below:

the 2013 w/o photo in its frame

The above photos are by and from Felipe...a full-size version (2.3mb) of the winterover picture is available here...
these are for nonprofit use only.

There were plans to take the midwinter photo outside, but the weather had other ideas.
So...the photo was taken in the galley as you can see's credited to Weeks Heist.

2013 midwinter greeting

Who are these 44 folks?

Kris (Kristopher) Amundson
Scott Beam
Gary Bentley
Bill Bergholm
Kell (Kelli Ann) Bliss
William Bradshaw
Ross Burgener
Tony Carleton
Sammy Chiapetta
Steele Diggles
Terry Eddington
Kaycee Flaugher
Cheryl Florence
Jason Gallicchio
John Hammon
Weeks (Henry W.)Heist, Jr.
Dana (James D.) Hrubes
Blaise Kuo Tiong
Shane Landry
Cliff (James) Leonard
Daniel Leussler
Jeff (David) Linsler
Joshua Livermore
Phillip Marzette
Steven McFarland
Marie McLane
Will (Ray W.) Mendenhall III
Bill Morris
Allan Omori
Lee (Laura L.) Parker
Lane Patterson
Felipe I. Pedreros Bustos
Clint Perrone
Marc (Greg) Phillips
Eddie Quintanilla
Heather Ratkowiak
Mike Rice
Robert Schwarz
Jason Spann
Spencer Steckman
Joshua Ton
Andrew Vernaza
Tom Vogliardo
Leah M. Webster

The dinner was excellent as well (PDF menu thanks to Robert Schwarz).

The midwinter dinner menu

The dinner was Saturday 22 June...and I understand that there were vegetarian options. It was followed by a showing of The Shining.

And Barack Obama sent along his greetings from the White House as well!

And here's the Antarctic Sun article with more midwinter information...