MORE pictures of Jake!

From Pole...

window on the world
Jake in the heavy shop (KJ).

...and from Summit Camp:
out in the sun

Outside on one of those amazing sundog sunny days (RS).
moving snow
Has anyone ever seen Jake when he WASN'T smiling?? (UA)

[This photo is from an article that appeared in 2008 in the Stockholm newspaper Aftonbladet. The article is unfortunately in Swedish, but you may find ways around that. In addition to a great commentary about Jake, there is a photo of Kathy in the kitchen! Check it out...] (thanks to SR for sending the article along)

plowing again
Jake hard at work outside in 2008 (RD).
strung out?
Jake at play (RD).
kiting stuff at Summit Camp

Lots o fun! (RD)
a birthday bit?
Jake's 2007 birthday celebration (?) (RD)
the rest of the weather balloons haven't been attached to the chair yet :)
Hmmm. I guess you had to be there (RD).
safety first
Whatever is going on, we can be sure he is smiling (RD).

Let's not forget that immortal Jake quote, "Beat the rush, go toast early."

Thanks and credits for help with these page--first of all Beth Watson for actually collecting and keeping track of the money... Dave Pernic for the biographical info... and Jonas Kalin for contributing the IceCube collaboration photo. Other credits: Cheryl Humme (CH), Dana Hrubes (DH), Robert Schwarz (RS), Steffen Richter (SR) (archived site), Brad Johnson (BJ), Dave Pernic (DP), Katie Hess (KH), Katy Jensen (KJ), Roger Davies (RD), Urban Andersson (UA), and the Summit Camp photo gallery (no longer available) (SC).