29 September 2007

Temperature -88ºF

no dishing Polies

Standing Back Row - Francis Buck, Steffen Richter, Timothy Lyons, David Ford, Derek Aboltins, Daniel Pitts, Payot Scheibe, Bruce Staeheli, Noah Beyeler, Emrys Hall, Jamie Taylor, Jason McDonald, Derek Sargent, Bruce Bramwell, Daiel McClosky, Richard McHenry, Kari Nester

Standing Second Row - Heidi Lim, Elizabeth Rose, Leah Webster

Kneeling Third Row - Zachary Staniszewski, Katie Contos, Stephen Padin, Claire Pettersen, Michael Rehm, Dainella Narkter, Travis Puglisi, Karthik Soundarapandian, Paul Smith, Laura Rip, Brian Hardin, Tracy Blair, James Walsh

Sitting Fourth Row - Robert Schwarz, Robert Hoskins, Dave Benson, John Gallagher, Roger (Kris) Perry, Nathan Dyer, Robert Reynolds, Lynnette Stauch, Jason Stauch, Jordan Anderson, Jack Anderson, Nicholas Michel-Hart, Sven Lidstrőm

Front Row - Timmy Markle, Teresa Eddington, Andrés Martinez

Not pictured - Neil Davis, Kevin Shea, Johan Booth, Dennis Calhoun, Brien Barnett

Here is the 2007 Midwinters Day greeting card, with the inset photo taken in the now-empty old garage arch:

ő high time

Below is an enlarged view of one of the group photos:

arch rivals

2007 midwinter menu

A few days after the midwinter photo was taken, the big dinner happened on Friday 22 June, the solstice day--at left is the menu. All of the photos on this page are by Robert Schwarz, who has more photos of the midwinter celebration here.

And yes, I do have larger versions of the group photos available. Did you discern the garage arch location without the old garage? If so or if not, Robert documents the setup here, as does Heidi Lim on her blog here.