South Pole Winter 2005

waiting for the galley?
Above is the official 2005 Midwinters Day greeting which was sent around the continent and around the world.

Below is an enlarged version of the group photograph, taken in a familiar spot in the dome: no hot food here

A few other's the official celebration announcement (MS Word document) of the events held on Saturday, 25 June (yes, the " real" date was also well celebrated officially and unofficially!) Here is an inset of the above group photo to document that Bill Spindler really was in it. And finally, here's my own private Skylab toast to winters and winterers past and present.

the originally planned wo photo
The originally planned w/o photo was this one, taken
outside. This is the final version created and cropped
by Bill Henriksen (2.2 mb).
the framed 2005 winterover photo
Ultimately, the photo taken in the dome was used. Here's the framed version...which I did NOT capture, but this photo is thanks to DJ Jennings.

Below, the list of us 86 folks who wouldn't see the sun again until September:
Kate Allen
Janet Arin
Cassandra Banks
Tommy Barker
Brien Barnett
David Bates
Kate Batten
David Benson
James (Tony) Black
Stephen Boudreaux
Rhys Boulton
Chad Carpenter
Jared Coleman
Clayton Cornia
Steve Cozine
Chris Danals
Sean Davenport
Allen Day
Chris Demarest
Jessica Dempsey
Eric Duncan
Jeanne Edwards
Thomas Edwards
John Gallagher
Frank Garcia
Christian Gils
Mark Gray
Christina Hammock
Bill Henriksen
Mike Hole
Barry Horbal
Dana Hrubes
Chad Hussong
Rod Jensen
Bill Johnson
Ken Keenan
Matt Kille
Glen Kinoshita
Kelly Kozdras
Mark Lagemann
James Latshaw
Russell Lester
Heidi Lim
Andrea Loehr
Sarah Luebke
Erik Lund
Jon Martin
Janice Martin
Sheri Mason
Tammy McDermott
Alister McNoe
Jed Miller
Kurt Montas
Rudy Moore
Myrna Moren
John Neame
Kristina Olin
Christian Otto
Stephen Parshley
George Prehn
Michael Ray
Steffen Richter
Larry Rickard
Jodi Roberts
Kirk Roberts
Nan Rogers
Dan Sage
Suzanne Same
Gabriel Schneck
Mike Scholz
Robert Schwarz
James Sciarrino
Kevin Shea
Jacob Shipman
Brian Shunamon
Joy Sichveland
Kelly Siman
Dan Simon
Bret Snow
Jarrod Southon
Bill Spindler
Becky Stieb
Bill Thompson
Vicky Ward
Melany Zimmerman
John Zitting

[Here's my view of the dome with the setting sun, as seen from my bedroom window (22 March)]