South Pole Winter 2001

2001 winterover photo

In 2005 when I was documenting these, the above photo hadn't been framed yet. This was
the best available version from Dana Hrubes (larger file, 495k) (larger formats available)

Below, an uncaptioned version:

2001 winterover photo
David Arnett
Robert Baker
David Benson
Jennifer Bird
John Bird
Yubecca Bragg
Betty Carlisle*
John Colwell
Aaron Coy
James Crawford
Paul Daniels
Bob DeValentino
Thomas Edwards
Ryan Emond
Margo Fernandez
Joseph Gibbons
Andrea Grant
Slay Harwell
Marc Hellwig
Mary Hogan
Barry Horbal
Dana Hrubes
Steve Hudson
Charlie Kaminski
Jeff Kietzmann
Dean Klein
Victoria Landgraf
Jami Leeth
Robert Leeth
Jerry Macala
Chris Martin (SSL)
David McDonald
Douglas McNeil
Jason Medley
Jed Miller
Matt Newcomb
Timothy Noel
Albert O'Kelly
Meghan Prentiss
Ben Reddall
Steffen Richter
Paulene Roberts
Eric Sandberg
Kurt Sarkiaho
Ron Shemenski*
Stephen Simpson
Kirk Spelman
Joshua Strickler
Nathan Tift
Mike Town
Cherie Warren

*Betty took Ron's place on 25 April when the above photo was taken...

This copy of the photo was obtained from w/o's Jen and John Bird (larger file size, 420k)

Below is the midwinter greeting card:
midwinter greeting card