Pole People

Brad and Ken at the sunrise party

Many of us brought cameras along to the sunrise party. Since it was cloudy, we turned the cameras on each other after the concert. Here's Ken G., Dave and Brad.

Ken Barker
Ken Barker, the night half of the USGS team, takes a break from the satellites.

No ice chests or refrigerators were required in skylab. If you took a beer at room
temperature and set it outside the (fire escape) door for 4 minutes during winter
weather, it would be chilled to drinking temperature. Don't forget about it, though.
You snooze, you lose!

Alex on the top for of Skylab

On the fourth floor, Alex contemplates the infinitely expanding universe...(?)

Bill and John in the computer room

Bill K and John in the computer room. The terminal and printer are behind the speaker; the computer itself is behind Bill. Everyone had their own personal magnetic tapes.

Our HP computers

Here's an earlier view of the 3 computers (the panels with many buttons). These were HP 4800 minicomputers with 64 or 32k memory, and they cost perhaps $50k each. Two of these were permanently involved with the UCD micrometeorology data collection project, but the third one was often available for text editing and typing message traffic and reports. We had a program that would convert the computer data to teletype code, and punch out the paper tape in comms to be sent out to the real world. I used this program to prepare the weekly sitreps. And we also had a text-based Star Trek game where we could shoot down Klingons. For those days we had an amazing amount of computer power available for personal use!
HP computers at Pole
At right...a better front on photo of our high-powered computers...this photo was taken by Mike Savage during the 1980 winter. Further documentation...here's a December 1976 Antarctic Journal article describing the computer system and its architecture. Interestingly, I posted a copy of this article on the wall of the elevated station computer lab during my 2005 winter, I think it is still there.

Denis taking a break just before dinner

Denis in the dining room, taking a break before the
crowd shows up for dinner.

  Denis on the serving line

On another night, Denis gets the
main course ready as the crowds
gather (Photo from Tadashi Yogi).

Fritz on house mouse

House mouse Fritz looks up from the sink full of dirty dishes...

  Brad Halter in the bar at 2:45 am
At right, a good picture found a bit more recently, this is our NOAA guy Brad Halter. He wintered again in 1986 and made other summer trips back to Pole since 1977, as well as Concordia (Dome C) and Summit Camp in Greenland. Hi Brad! In the background here you can see Dave and a bit of Tadashi, not to mention that Playboy bunny jigsaw puzzle on the wall.