Palmer Station Winter 2002

2002 winterovers

Above, the 2002 winterover crew...the largest in history. This is the photo hanging in the GWR stairwell. Given all of the work going
on, people came and went all winter. In July the LMG returned and brought some short-term folks as well as four replacements for 4
people in the above photo.

Here's the (full size unedited version--3.3mb)

So who was there? I'm thinking about 20 people were there for the entire winter, based on the NSF Antarctic Treaty lists (which, as has been pointed out, mistakenly include some Pole winterovers), station and science sitreps, emails, and Antarctic Sun articles:

Lisa Aiken--carpenter helper
Bo Baumgartner--carpenter
Dave Benson--carpenter apprentice
Johan Booth--science tech
James Brandon--plumber
Joshua Brandon--plumber
Frank Burhart--senior cargo
Brad Coutu--plumber
Debbie Crawford--electrician
Shannon Fath--painter apprentice
Chris Getz--sheet metal foreman
Jennifer Jarrett--GA
Ron Judd--electrician
Pete Koson--carpenter
Brad Kuehn--sheet metal worker
Paul Kyllonen--power plant mechanic
Carmen Lemon--cargo assistant
Chris Lockwood--plumber apprentice
Ted McKinley--painter
Jed Miller--cargo
Ben Morin--GA
Sean Nordquist--carpenter
Joe Pettit--manager
Rocklyn Phillips--comms tech
Rachel Rogers--UT
George Ryan--waste
Scott Saltzman--UT
Dehlia Sprague--cook
Kerry Vigue--electrician
Chris Vitry--network
Cherie Wilson--laboratory supervisor
Alan Worth--physician

The photo was taken around Midwinter's Day when the population was 32 (Johan Booth is not in the photo). Many of these folks arrived in March or April. In July, four people who'd been on station since March or earlier left on the 19th--Johan Booth, Carmen Lemon, Rocklyn Phillips, and Scott Salzman. I don't have the names in the order they appear in the photo (help is appreciated), but Chris Vitry confirmed he was the guy lying down in front.

Thanks to Glenn Grant for sharing the above photo and helping me figure out the names!