Palmer Station Winter 1995

Richie's last one
Let's try this list with help from many of you including Dave Vella and Glenn Grant...the photo is thanks to Glenn.

Front row: Richie Skane, Glenn Grant.

Second row: Tom Galles (MAPCON), Jacqie Mahoney (supply), Dennis Costello (GA), Kirk Kiyota (station manager), Dave Vella (FEMC engineer), Mary Lenox (admin), Mark Sadzikowski (doctor).

Third row: Jeff Aimes (FEMC construction helper), Traci Perdue (inventory control specialist), Victoria Hogue (inventory control specialist), Corey Peterson (lab manager), Margaret Rothermel (GA), Caryl Shea (logistics manager), Matt Redlon (GA).

Last row: Dennis Zadra (electrician), Jordan Dickens (facility engineer), Brian Williams (comms), Bruce Tollefson (carpenter), Ray Smith (plumber), Rick Byce (cook), Mark Samojla (cook), Paul Huckins (computers), Paul Lux (power plant mechanic).

Not in picture: Robert (Gumby) Carlson

Who really "wintered?" Well, if you were there, you know. The Antarctic Journal (Vol. XXX, 1995) listed 21 folks, but this list isn't right either...

Byce, Rick D., ASA
Carlson, Robert D., ASA
Costello, Dennis L., ASA
Dickens, Jordan L., ASA
Grant, Glenn E., ASA
Huckins, Paul G., ASA
Kiyota, Kirk A., ASA, station manager
Lenox, Mary E., ASA
Lewis, Martin E., ASA
Lux, Paul F., ASA
Mahoney, Jacqueline F., ASA
Peterson, Corey J., ASA
Redlon, Matthew D., ASA
Rothermel, Margaret E., ASA
Sadzikowski, Mark R., ASA
Samojla, Mark S., ASA
Shea, Caryl, ASA
Tollefson, Robert B. (Bruce), ASA
Vella, David A., ASA
Williams, Brian L., ASA
Zadra, Dennis F., ASA
Not too long ago, Glenn Grant put together a great "where are
they now" list which I'll include here...

Richie Skane, died 2003
Glenn Grant, never achieved escaped velocity and was still at Palmer
Thomas Galles, living in Wyoming last I heard. Where are ya Tom?
Jacqie Mahoney, after w/o 96 at McMurdo, moved to Calif with Matt
 Redlon. Presumably got married.
Dennis Costello, still works in the RPSC office
Kirk Kiyota, died (2000?) while hiking alone in Volcanoes Nat'l Park, HI
Dave Vella, out east.
Mary Lenox, finished up her masters at WashU, Pullman, married to Gumby
Mark "Sadz" Sadzikowski, back living in Detroit last I heard
Jeff Aimes, unknown. Last I heard he had accidentally paraglided into a
 Chilean military compound, but somehow convinced them he wasn't invading
Tracy Perdue, still working in the program?
Vicki Hogue, unknown
Corey Peterson, living in Tasmania, still occasionally works on USAP
Margaret Rothermel, unknown
Matt Redlon, see Jacqie Mahoney 
Jordan Dickens, either getting rich, or shot at, or both
Brian Williams, moved to Florida to go to aircraft engine maintenance
Mark Furnish ???, still works in the program
Rick ????, unknown
Mark Rosen, unknown
Paul Huckins, still works in the program
Paul Lux, where are ya?

(unedited original photo, 1.72 mb)