Palmer Station Winter 1989

Palmer 1989 winterovers

Below is the full framed composite picture. Note that the design is by artist
Alan Campbell, who made one of his visits to Palmer Station this year:

fools on the hill?
Clockwise from the top: Tom Brutscher, Robin Lamere, BJ Jahn, Dick Wall, Ned Wilson,
Marcia Medford, Dennis Hampton, Pat Sullivan, Dave Gallas, and Richie Skane.

What these folks were doing:
Tom Brutscher             Station manager/facilities engineer
Dave Gallas               Communications technician
Robert (BJ) Jahn          Materialsperson
Robin Lamere              Power plant mechanic
Marcia Medford            Laboratory manager
Richie Skane              Construction
Pat Sullivan              GFA
Richard Wall              Cook
Ned Wilson                Science technician
Dennis Hampton            Corpsman

Source: The above photo and the Antarctic Journal, June 1989

Note that the Antarctic Journal list omits Marcia Medford, Richie
Skane, and Pat Sullivan (and misspells Dave's name as "Galles").

[Unedited framed photo, 512k with thanks to Glenn Grant]

I must add a bit more information...first, this outtake from Dave
Gallas, which I like for several reasons--one of which is that it
is in color, a technology not available for creating prints on
station at the time. And Dave ID'd the people in the group photos.
1989 winterovers

Now about those costumes...unlike the tuxes brought down by the
1985 winterovers, the monks' robes were provided free of charge.
More accurately, they were made from blankets from the 150 plus
military folks who were shipwrecked at Palmer when the Bahia
Paraiso sank in January. And...some of these folks still have
their robes stashed away somewhere.

Naming the folks in both photos from left: Marcia Medford, Dennis
Hampton, Pat Sullivan, Dave Gallas, Richie Skane, Tom Brutscher,
Robbin Lamere, Bob (BJ) Jahn, Dick Wall, Ned (Edwin) Wilson.