The PAEROS project

The PAEROS aerosol sampler overlooking Hero Inlet

The PAEROS aerosol sampling station at its location overlooking Hero Inlet

The PAEROS (Portable AERosol Observing System) project, managed by Gregory Roberts from (Scripps, deployed an aerosol sampling package at Palmer in October 2013. The goal is to measure aerosol (small particles in the atmosphere) concentrations, number size distributions, hygroscopicity, cloud condensation nuclei, absorbing carbon, radiative fluxes and meteorological parameters--with an emphasis on those emanating from the ocean. The team (PI Gregory Roberts, Craig Corrigan, and Jack Richie) initially set up some of their instruments on the top deck (above the bridge) of the Laurence M. Gould on their transit to Palmer.

Gregory Roberts in front of the instrument package
Here's Gregory Roberts in front of the sampling station at the first location near Hero Inlet. It had first been set up near TerraLab to verify operations.
relocating the station
After the first 2 weeks of operation, the station was moved further east to avoid contamination from the station.
the later location of the instrument package
Here's a view of that location on a rare sunny day...the pole line to the VLF antenna is visible in the background.
locations of the instrumentation
This map shows the locations of the instrumentation in the backyard .
Craig Corrigan and Glenn Grant
Craig Corrigan (left) shows science tech Glenn Grant how to
operate the instrumentation.

All of the photos except for the aerial map view are from Gregory Roberts (thanks)...the map view is from the October 2013 science sitrep (available here).