Palmer Station Winter 2012

Below, the 2012 winter group photo...thanks Ken Keenan!

Palmer on the rocks

Who was here (alphabetically):
  Corey Allard
Jack Anderson
Perri Barbour
Sean Bonnette
Gregorio Campo
Bruce Carpenter
Russel Freeman
Liz Hourihan
Rachel Javorsek
Ken Keenan
Irina Mueller
Micaela Neus
Janice O'Reilly
Neal Scheibe
Steve Sweet
Graham Tilbury
Brian Vanden Bosch
Clair Von Handorf
Ryan Wallace

(original photo, 3.8 MB)

Below, the photo taken in early June by Sean Bonnette for the midwinters day greetings.

time for boating?

In alphabetical order, here's who is in it:

  Corey Allard
Leo Almeida
Sara Alvira
Jack Anderson
Quinn Andrew
Perri Barbour
Sean Bonnette
Gregorio Campo
Bruce Carpenter
Mary Chamberlin
Andy Datan
Bill Detrich
Russel Freeman
Mark Furnish
Liz Hourihan
Rachel Javorsek
Ken Keenan
Shawn Kelly
Irena Mueller
Michaela Neus
Janice O'Reilly
Lucia Quintana
Eddie Quintanilla
Neal Scheibe
Steve Sweet
Graham Tilbury
Brian Vanden Bosch
Clair Von Handorf
Ryan Wallace

Below, the 2012 midwinter greeting photo...

sign up

...and the formal invitation...

we'll leave a light on for you

...and the menu!

anyone for disc golf?

Of the 29 folks in the above photos, ten of them departed on the LMG on 21 June...leaving 19 souls to enjoy the dinner feast on Friday 22 June.

Thanks to Neal Scheibe for the midwinter photos and information!