Palmer Station Winter 2009

brisk fall weather

This is the complete bunch of folks that were on station in early May...with thanks to Craig Bell, whom I'd met in 2008 at Pole.

Below...the folks who were around in late winter:

keeping cool

Standing L-R: Jack Anderson, Eric Hansen, Neal Scheibe, Jeff Braucher, Will Brubaker, Marsha Kendall, Nate Bowker, Tom Lippert, Sean Bonnette, Ken Keenan, Eric Cooper, Kris Perry. Seated: Harry Snyder, Susannah Coates, Marin Granholm, Casey Stockwell. Photo: Sean Bonnette.

What they were doing...

Jack Anderson              UT
Sean Bonnette              electrician
Nate Bowker                plumber apprentice
Jeff Braucher              IT
Will Brubaker              power plant mechanic
Susannah (Webster) Coates  supply
Eric Cooper                cook
Marin Granholm             physician
Eric Hansen                UT
Ken Keenan                 manager
Marsha Kendall             supply
Tom Lippert                FEMC coordinator
Kris Perry                 waste
Neal Scheibe               science tech
Harry Snyder               carpenter
Casy Stockwell             welder