Night Gallery

streaking over the station
The moonlit new station in early July. Photos are from Dana Hrubes unless noted; he has many more here.
smokin' skylab
The moonlit dome and skylab with aurora!
high light
The SETI/AASTO telescope and service building, 10 June.
half mast on the dome
The South Pole flag at half mast on 11 June.
high light
A second view with the flag well illuminated by the lights inside the dome. Temperature: -91°F.
These next two shots were taken on 8 June.
one for the Gipper
Another view, a different angle, a different aurora.
doomed dome?

This photo was featured on the NSF home page. A much larger version is available here on the news highlights page.
nite lite
The new station under the full moon. These next 4 are from 5 May.
a new station?
The dome and skylab. Dome? What dome?
down deep
The front door...this stuff is fun to walk through when the moon is down.
astronomers at work
Looking across at the dark sector buildings.
Here is the new station on 6 April, under the first full moon of the night (photo by Sean Ryan).
Remember, the w/o's have lots more fine pictures on their web sites!

Also thanks to Jerry Marty, Bill Koleto and Pete Koson.