poster ripped off of a telephone pole somewhere near downtown

The above flyer created by James Travis III was all over the station...along with lots of individual band posters. I'll let some of them speak for themselves...in no particular order ...and below them are a few photos of the event.

ReTardis poster

Mike Symanski

Kevin Torphy reprise poster

light crystal

blue crystal

dark crystal

hold on to em

...but there's more...

three horns?

Did I mention there was pizza?
three horns?

Here's how it turned out...the photos are mine unless noted otherwise:

The quasi-crystalline arbitration project (QCAP) featuring original music by Michael Symanski...here you see Andy
Titterington, Michael,and Chris Bender. Each group had its own set of projected background images (Callee Allen).

Kevin unplugged? (but not Tim)
Kevin Torphy, here assisted by Tim Hayosh.

cover up
The Retardis got folks dancing with a set of great covers....

Hot Mike
Mike Symanski works it out in his solo act....

a seasonal disorder
The "House Mouse Seasonal Affective Disorder Blues Project," er, Adit, Disch, and Tim

As for the rest of the house...
Security was tight...(Heidi Lim).

security at the door
...but they let me in anyway. Here I am with camera in hand...(Kevin Torphy).

...having a look at the dancing.

Did I say that there was dancing?

the merch table
Here's the merch table (Kevin Torphy).

Shaun the audio engineer
Here's Shaun on the boards.

The body art section
The body art section.

Bar flies
The bar crowd.


A good time was had by all...the bands are frantically practicing for the next big event...we're psyched for Midwinters (Heidi Lim)!!!