Dave Pluth


We just learned that Dave died last May while on a photographic project in Rwanda. Here is a blog entry from Kimberly Coats who had been working with him at the time of his death, and here is an obituary from the Daily Telegraph in which the above photo appeared. This guy had many lives, after we knew him he went on to live in Switzerland and be a significantly known photographer published in National Geographic and other similar magazines. We met up with him in June 2007 in Boulder at our second 1977 Pole Souls reunion, he told us of some of his exploits including his move to Switzerland, but he did not share some of the stories about being one of the first people into Rwanda after the genocide, or about almost being killed in Uganda.

Below, several pictures of Dave...first from our 2007 reunion dinner...

group shot
Of course, Dave is the guy in the red hair and yellow shirt.
Polies all
Another view of us at our reunion dinner in Boulder.
...and from the 1976-77 summer:
Dave and Giles were here
A closeup of Dave, here he's refueling the Twin Otter piloted by Giles Kershaw.
out for a run
At our media event for Walter Sullivan of the New York Times and other reporters, some of the summer folks staged a "200 club" running, in dayiight, and clad. Dave is at right.