The Antarctican Society

The Antarctican Society originated in the desire of several people to have an organization where persons interested
in the Antarctic could meet "for a friendly and informal exchange of information and views." The first meeting was
held on 8 October 1959 at the Cosmos Club in Washington. The consensus of those present was that the Society deserved
at least a chance to see what it could do.

It was not long in demonstrating its usefulness. For the edification of the delegates from many nations attending
the conference on the future status of Antarctica, the Society arranged to show the film "The U. S. Navy Supports the
IGY in Antarctica" at the auditorium of the National Academy of Sciences on the evening of 19 November. A large number
of the delegates attended and expressed their gratification.

This event produced a crisis, the first in the Society's short history. Certain minor expenses were inevitably incurred
for which there were no funds in the treasury. In fact, there was no treasury, The small band of devoted spirits who
guided the organization through its early faltering steps decided the time had come to convene a general meeting of the

Notices were sent out, and the members converged on the home of Dr. Carl Eklund at 8:00 p.m. on 8 January 1960. By-laws
were quickly approved which provided for annual dues of $1.00 and an initiation fee of a like amount. Membership was
to be open to all who expressed their interest in the Antarctic in writing to the secretary and, of course, forwarded $1.00.
A short discussion of terminology determined that the word "person" as used in the by-laws included women as well as men,
thus considerably enlarging the Society's horizon.

With money about to roll in and the membership likely to expand rapidly, the Antarctican Society obviously needed
officers. They were quickly and unanimously elected. The following indicated their willingness to serve:

President      -        Dr. Carl Eklund
Vice President -        Dr. Harry Wexler
Secretary      -        Mr. Wayne Fisher
Treasurer    -          Captain John Cadwalader

A twelve-man board of directors was also chosen, and two committees established. The one, under the chairmanship of Mr.
Gordon Cartwright, will arrange future programs. The other, under the leadership of Captain Cadwalader, will
be concerned with financial policy.

All persons, as defined above, who would like to talk about seals, penguins, and geophysics, are urged to write the
secretary indicating their wish to join the Antarctican Society. Simply drop a note to that effect, along with your name
and address, to:

          Mr., Wayne Fisher
          Secretary, The Antarctican Society...

[this article originally appeared in the Bulletin of the U. S. Antarctic Projects Officer, January 1960]