Around Lawrenceburg, Indiana 2003-06

I had my apartment in Lawrenceburg, Indiana from May 2003 to January 2005. In 2003 I worked on the completion of the PSE&G power plant of Duke/Fluor Daniel's last natural gas fired plants. Here's an aerial photo of that work in progress. This is looking roughly west, US Highway 50 runs along the right side of the photo:

power up

More on that later. Lawrenceburg is a suburb of is located on the 275 beltway around that city, at the only exit in Indiana. When you get on the freeway the sign says "Ohio" to the left and "Kentucky" to the right. Here are a few views of my apartment at the other end of town.
Looking south at 405 George Street, my apartment was upstairs just behind the first entrance, my van is parked at right. This first batch of photos was taken in December 2003.
back view
Turning a bit, this view shows the casino structure just beyond the end of the street. The riverboat is behind the entrance building seen here...I never visited.
park here
Looking at the back corner of the building, my upstairs balcony is behind that fence.
main street USA
The main street of Lawrenceburg, heading for the riverfront. Like many towns, the business district was suffering. Surprisingly, there is a one-screen theater that shows movies nightly.
At the end of the main street is the gateway to the riverfront, literally (this is a floodgate in the levee). There is a carillon that plays the hours as well as songs...a couple of weeks after I started work here, one of the city electricians was electrocuted in the substation here...a somewhat grisly scene I came across while running along the levee. The railroad line (a spur to the coal fired power plant) was removed in 2004 as part of the redevelopment thanks to casino tax $$.
barge inn
Along the waterfront, a not-bad floating bar/restaurant.
deposit money here
Looking at the riverboat casino from the end of the levee walk closest to my apartment.
out for a walk
Here I am on the levee walk in December 2003 checking out my tramping gear for the upcoming Milford Track trip in NZ in January.
stay a while
Back in my apartment, here's a view looking from the back balcony towards the casino hotel.
no vacancy
Okay, here is a better view of the abandoned fourplex outside my bedroom window. Maybe its owners knew something...
much more music
Well, one of the only pics from inside the apartment...this testing the new camera. The stereo cabinet was getting shaky...I'd bought it from Sears in Hackensack, it was one of those assemble-it-yourself things, and of course it followed me to Alaska...Louisiana etc. I gave it to Goodwill rather than take it to Nevada.
no vacancy

The L'burg storage unit a couple blocks up George Street where much of my stuff ended up while I was at Pole (the rest was in another place 15 miles west near Dillsboro.
I gave up the apartment before going to Pole...and the landlord told me that he was negotiating with the casino to seems that my apartment building, a first class structure only 8 years old, was the only decent building in the area next to the casino, and the casino needed more parking, hotel space, that sort of thing. So they made an offer that my landlord couldn't refuse. So when I returned to Lawrenceburg to revisit my "stuff" (preparatory to moving to Nevada) I found...
no home
This. Foundations for the new buildings were being excavated.
back view
Here's another look at the same view before all the demo.
Looking back the other way at the apartment site.
holes in the ground
One thing going on at this point (January-March 2006) was an archaeological investigation...under the short white tents there were folks digging holes and sifting the dirt.
no sale
There was one holdout property owner that refused
to sell for any price, despite offers to move the house
or build a better one elswhere.
And now, a look at that power plant
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