2022 Winter Photos--Berthing and floor maintenance

Nothing big happened this winter...activities in A1, A3, and A4 included replacing carpeting, deteriorated ceiling tiles, damaged wall panels, and mattresses. Whew...before my 2008 winter I hunted around in the empty berthing rooms for a decent mattress. But the major work was left unfinished...replacing the deteriorated fiber cement board (FCB) in the first floor A3 hallway.

replacing the A3 subfloor
carpenters Troy Leighton and Sam Millar work to replace the deteriorated fiber cement board in the first floor A3 hallway.
A3 level 1 floor work

Another view of the work effort.

Alas...the floor work could not be completed...turns out the flooring adhesive was defective. And I'm not sure what eventually happened with this project as there was no carpenter on site during the 2023 winter.

The photo at left is by Eric Hansen from the 25 June 2022 sitrep...the photo at right is from Troy Leighton.

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