2016 Winter Photos - Flooring and other projects

replacing the hallway subfloor

Above...removal of the old flooring material in late August (AT). This was almost certainly the most visible and disruptive of the winter projects...replacing some of the subfloor on the second floor of the A2 hallway between the galley and A1. The deal...the original design called for a subfloor of 7/8" fiber cement board (FCB) but when some of this was being worked, there was a shortage of 7/8", so a double layer of 7/16" was used instead...which proved to be not nearly as strong. It did not hold up well particularly under the loads of heavy carts during construction...and after. Some of the worst-damaged areas had it replaced with steel plate awhile back. The replacement material is 13/16" thick and specifically designed for this application.

temporary plywood walkway

After demolition and cleanup, plywood was laid down as a temporary walkway (AT).
cleanup underway
Did I say the project was disruptive? The work area was blocked off during the day...here's about as close as anyone could get. Looking through the window of A1, here's Forrest Getz sweeping up that dust (CK).
Adam heading to his room on the second level of A1
So this is how people like Adam Jones got to their A1 second level rooms during work hours...in shirt sleeve weather. After all, the temps were in 3 digits if you ignore the pesky minus sign (CK/ICW).
still needs joint compound

The second section of new subfloor, almost done (AT).
installing the finish floor
Here goes the finished floor surface in the first section...more of that rubberlike vinyl sheet flooring with the checker plate finish (AT).
end of phase one, need more material

The second section of subfloor is This is about as far as the crew was able to get this winter...they ran out of leveling compound and didn't have any cove base. To be continued (CK)...
Forrest inside one of the fuel tanks
Earlier in the winter there were a couple other, er, less photogenic projects. One of these, cleaning the insides of the 45 fuel tanks. Here's some sample documentation... Forrest Getz taking a selfie inside one of them (FG).
the old removed sprinkler heads
Another interesting effort, it seems that all of the sprinkler heads were recalled. So they were replaced, and the system converted from dry to wet, which means there will no longer be that "WHUMPP" sound in the galley after someone burns their toast. Here's a collection of the old sprinkler heads CK).

Credits--AT is Alex Teixeira who was the supervisor on these projects...FG is carpenter Forrest Getz, while CK (Christian Krueger) is one of the IceCube winterovers. The photo of Adam outside (marked CK/ICW) appeared in this IceCube weekly report.

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