2015-16 Summer Photos - Reworking Cryo into the new BIF

early phase of the -to- renovation
The Cryo and BIF structures were, unfortunately, too close to the site of the first rodwell. Which, of course, became the sewer bulb when Rodwell 2 was put on line. But then...Rodwell 3 took a bit longer to construct than had been planned. Which meant that the sewer bulb grew upward into the firn, and the structures above it started to settle. As a result, last season Cryo was moved to the west, away from BIF and the settlement zone. So, in 2015-16 the downwind module of Cryo was being converted into a new balloon inflation facility. What you see above is the downwind/south wall of Cryo being set up with safety railing. The roof of the center section of this module was being raised to about a 20-foot ceiling height, to accommodate the 19-foot doors on the existing BIF which were be moved here after the center roof section is raised (SbS).
clearing the south wall
Inside room 103, the south module of cryo...the wall at left has had the wall covering removed in preparation for the modification. The door at right leads to a short hallway which accesses an office room, the mechanical/boiler room, and the main entrance (SbS).
the center bay of cryo containing stuff moved out of the south bay
Here's the center bay of cryo, mostly housing stuff moved out of the south bay. All of the electrical plugs/wires on the wall are testimony that this structure was constructed in 3 modules, although I'm not at all sure why the plug and cable system was necessary (SbS).
a new wall on the west side of the inflation room
Next...putting up a stud partition on the west side of the new inflation room to separate it from the office/mechanical room/utility area (SH).
adding plywood to the wall
And, layering the new wall with plywood(SH).
removing the BIF doors

In the foreground, the metal doors are being removed for refurbishment...while in the background, getting ready to remove the roof (SH)
removing the roof cover panels
Removing the roof covering (SH).
roof mostly removed
And almost all of the roof panels are off...meanwhile, the new wall had been finished (SH).
removing the roof and south wall

Removing one of the panels (JM).
the opened-up future inflation room

The inflation room with the old roof and most of the south wall removed (JM).
removing the roof and south wall

Stepping back a bit for
another look (JM).
adding the upper walls
After removing the rest of the south wall, time to add the upper wall extensions (SH).
upper walls going up

More upper roof panels (JM)...
north upper wall

...and the last piece of the north wall extension (JM).
elevated station
A view of the station looking over the extended north wall (JM).
door lintel
Looking out over the new door lintel (JM).
ready for the roof
ready for the roof
Ready for the roof (SH)! Oh...keep going...the credits are on the next page.
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