2014-15 Photos - The shredder and other stories

the shredder at Pole
The mobile shredder...mobilized

This might have actually been a bit of redux from the 2009-10 dome demolition...as the original plan was to shred all of that aluminum into what might have become future beer and soda cans. Supposedly a shredder was actually purchased for that purpose...but not this one...as plans changed thanks to construction coordinator Steve Bruce who figured out how to do the demo more safely and efficiently...and ship the pieces north unshredded. Anyway, the shredder pictured above was actually purchased in 2011 after the dome was down. The idea was to reduce the dimensions and cube of waste cargo so it could be put into triwalls that could be palletized for the NYANG to retrograde more easily (thanks to Mike Soll and Guy Thomerson for that information).

the shredder
Another more dramatic photo....
the new old shredder
...and another.
the shredder in the garage
Another photo of the shredder in the garage...it was named Fargo after a feature in that movie. If you've seen it, you'll understand...I have not seen it, so I had to ask.
Fargo set up on the berm
Here's a 2015-16 of the shredder set up on the berms with an access ramp.
Jacking B1
jacking continued
Also, several columns of B1 (seen here) and B2 were jacked up (or down) a bit to level up this part of the elevated station (PR).
the BICEP3 ground shield
Elsewhere...the newer better BICEP3 telescope was put together in DSL...here's the ground shield on the, er, ground (BM).
the BICEP3 ground shield in place
Here it is freshly installed (DH).

Other less photogenic projects that were underway in the summer and would continue during the winter...the replacement of more of that copper waste piping that had been corroded away thanks to the waterless urinals (two plumbers and an insulator would winter to deal with this), and replacement of some of the hallway flooring/subfloor.

The shredder photos are all from Sheryl Seagraves; the outdoors ones were taken by Ian McEwen. BM is Bill McAfee; DH is Dean Hancock; PR is Peter Rejcek, his photos are from the USAP photo library.

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