2011-12 Aerial Photos--January/February 2012

Welcome to Pole at the end of January 2012, when the annual aerial photos were taken for NSF.
gedunk stand
Moving back a bit from the above photo, this view of the station includes some of the centennial visitor center facilities which had not yet been removed.
soup's on
Closer to the galley corner of the station, and some interesting drifts and cornices.
Robert F. Scott left stuff here for his next science project but it didn't get funded for some reason
On around behind the station, here we look west toward the skiway and across the cargo berms. The FEMC (or whatever it is called these days) Jamesways are in the upper right corner.
Supposedly Amundsen left an extra tent in one of these crates, but I could never find it in MAPCON
Continuing on around, this view looks northeast across the berms and summer camp to the back wings of the station.
this will be a very cool place (!) in 2012-13, literally
Zooming in for a closer view of summer camp. At left are the Hypertats with the new PV panels.
the strip, a great place to hang out
Moving further downwind and looking north, here's the entire station complex including the comms area and the airstrip.
anyone for golf balls?
A closer view of the comms area. The RF building is at the bottom; the two radomes house the satellite communications antennas.
Continue on for a look at the rest of the area....

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