2010-11 Aerial Photos--January/February 2011 continued

another sunny day
Here we are back around looking at the front of the station.
land here
A view of the west side of the station, showing the main entrance/Destination Alpha, the flight line, and the path of the fuel hose leading to the fuel arch.
lots o stuff
Further south...here's a look at the rest of the flight line and the berms.
henge yourself
Back around on the other side of the station, here's a good look at the freshly plowed-out berms.
Bill slept here
Here is a close in look at summer camp.
the reel thing
A closeup of what keeps changing but remains iconic...Spoolhenge.
keep away from the car
Backing off...here's a distant view of the entire station from the far east side.
run way
From the far south...the skiway angles up from the lower right,
and the traverse/NGO route angles up from the lower left... as
we head around to the dark sector.

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