2009-10 Aerial Photos--February 2010--Behind the Station

Here's the back side of the station along with some of the berms.
pickup lines at Pole
Looking east at some of the cargo area...2 cranes...along with several of the temperature-sensitive IceCube drill camp control modules, are parked next to the summer camp substation for the winter so they can be plugged in and kept warm. Just behind the cranes to the left is the old Chades head module, that was surrounded by the 4 hypertats until this past summer.
Here's a look at summer camp, with the relocated hypertats filling in the blank spots on the north side...
da plane
The flight line, with an LC-130 Hercules aircraft on deck...
get ou board
And a closer look from the skiway side.
As noted earlier, all of these pictures were taken by Andrew V. Williams; many of them appear in the USAP Antarctic Photo Library.

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