2009 Winter Photos - Up on the Roof

view from the top
That's right...one of the winter projects this year, at least for the daylight hours is to put the finish siding, roofing or whatever on the roof of the elevated station. Here at the end of February it appears that A1 is almost finished already! All the photos on this page are courtesy of the doc, Ella Derbyshire; and this panorama is actually a very small version of one she created by combining 34 images. The full size version (and more!) are on her Gigapan pages.
all hooked up
Here's a closup I extracted from the panorama...the culprits in these photos are carpenters Todd Adams in the black boots here, and Bill Stiner with white boots.
measure twice cut once
Here they are cutting some of the panels to size.
the cutting edge
above board
A couple more views of this cutting-edge activity, as it were.
lay it down
Installing one of the panels.
clean it up
Sweeping the snow off of the Tyvek before installing another panel...
back to square one
Like so.
corner up
Here's another view. These guys are finished here and moved on to A4.
paneling for science
About a week before sunset, A4 is almost done too.

Next...the adventure of digging up Old Pole.

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