Time to head for the dark sector, starting with this view of the entire station complex from the north end of the old skiway (HM/USAP). |
 Here we move in closer for a good view of the main buildings (ED). |
 Swinging around the west side of the dark sector (AVW/USAP). |
 Here we are a bit closer...the IceCube drill camp is in the foreground. It had just been moved here from the summer drill sites (to the right in this picture) for winter storage (AVW/USAP). |
 A view from a slightly different angle. Some of the hoses (not the main drill hose which is stored on the reel over near the Cheese Palace) are visible staked out to the right of the camp (AVW/USAP). |
 A close view of the drill camp, otherwise known as the Seasonal Equipment Site (SES) if you are an IceCuber (AVW/USAP). |
 Finishing up with IceCube, here's a view of the south side of the IceCube Lab (ICL) (AVW/USAP). |
 Moving north, here's a view of DSL, with the ground shield for the former BICEP I telescope in the foreground, and the South Pole Telescope (SPT) dominating the back part of the building. Which didn't get any siding this year (AVW/USAP). |
 Looking at DSL from the other side (AVW/USAP). |
 Here's a closer view of the top of DSL and the SPT (ED). |
 A low altitude view of MAPO, with the substation building 61 in the foreground (AVW). |
 And a top view of this complex, looking into the defunct DASI and VIPER ground shields (ED). |
 A closer view at the abandoned AST/RO building, which is in the upper left in the previous photo (ED). |
 Backing away from the Dark Sector, here's another view witn MAPO in the foreground (AVW/USAP). |
 Finishing up, here's another overall view of the Dark Sector...this shot has the old SPASE 2 building at right (AVW/USAP).
Photo credits: AVW is Andrew V. Williams; SJ is Scot Jackson; ED is Ella Derbyshire; HM is Henry Malmgren, and the USAP photos came from the USAP photo library.