2008 Winter Photos - Logistics Facility

Here's a look around the place at the end of the winter:
decked out
Here's the upwind entrance end...not much recent change here except for the scaffold and other material that was removed from the building to allow the floor to get painted.
under canvas
Looking the other way out the temporary arch door opening, which was protected for much of the winter by that heavy canvas door designed and sewn by Dr. Malcolm Arnold. Some of you may recognize that partially buried structure in the background...
Inside looking upwind...you can see that most of the floor is painted.
erector set
Further down the cargo bay, some of the shelving was starting to get assembled...I guess I need to go get a picture with the shelving put up.
need a lift?
Looking downwind at the freshly painted floor, ready for the shelving.
step up
The personnel door in the downwind corner by the garage. Next to it is the digital readout for the 10x10 foot floor scale that will weigh air pallets.
bar none
Stepping just outside that door, here's the completed back deck.
tread lightly

Looking down the stairwell, which is awaiting the arrival of more sheetrock.
a warm place
The mechanically completed and insulated glycol system in the upstairs mechanical/electrical room.

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