2007-08 Aerial Photos--October 2007

the dark side
The dark sector looking from the southwest side. The north end of the skiway is in the background (SR).
scoping it out
Another view from a bit further north. In the left foreground is the current IceCube drill camp which was parked here for the winter (SR).
drilling done here
A closer view of the IceCube drill camp, aka the Seasonal Equipment Site (SES)(SR).
Looking northeast, the IceCube lab in the foreground, and behind it, DSL with the South Pole Telescope (SPT)(SR).
after all these years
Zooming in on the DSL/SPT/BICEP complex. After being moribund between 1999 and 2005, DSL is now the hotbed of dark sector activity (SR).
dish me
From the east, here's DSL with the IceCube SES behind it (SR).
up on the roof
DSL as seen from the NNW side, with BICEP on the roof, and SPT at right (SR).
Spased out?
From the north, here's MAPO (left) and DSL/SPT (right along with an interesting contrail effect. In the center background is the hut for the defunct SPASE-2 project (RS).
Wait, there's more!

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