2007-08 Aerial Photos--January 2008

just south of the pole
This round of photos was taken on 31 January...I'll start with a preview closeup of the elevated station looking better, with even more siding (SJ/USAP) (photo credits/info are on the last photo page)
office corner
Back off a bit, here is a more distant view of the area from the west (GG).
out any window
A bit closer to comms (ED/USAP).
walking up
Head on towards Destination Alpha...and looking at the folks on the roof (GG).
sun deck
A closeup of the main entrance (SJ).
flags out front
Around front (SJ).
count the flags
Closer to the roof (SJ).
face forward
Backing off for another straight on front view. The Geographic Pole is in the center of this shot (SJ).
And moving straight on in (SJ).
12 flags
A closeup of the Ceremonial Pole (SJ).
And continuing on for a look at the rest of the station from this angle (GG).
Another nice straight-on closeup (ED)...
talk to me
And a closeup of comms (SJ).
Let's head off towards ARO (the atmospheric research lab)...

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