2007-08 Photos - Foundation for a new satellite platform

the completed earth station in 2008-09
Jumping ahead, here's a look at the earth station as completed in 2008-09 (ED).

This project originally was to create the SPTR-2 earth station, as it was constructed better to access NASA's TDRS (or TDRSS) satellites. That's the set of satellites it was originally created to access. Nowadays (2016) it is used to access the Skynet satellite. And the facilities here and in the larger radome are scheduled to be updated for faster DSCS satellite access.

prefabricated timber foundation sections
Some of the prefabricated foundation pieces staged near the construction site, which was near the RF building.
the foundation timber pads in place
By 31 January, the timber pads were in place.
foundation and steel members for the SPTR-2 base
The structural members are staged for erection (JM).
the basic frame is erected
By 2 February, the basic structure was up, just missing the diagonal braces.
the SPTR-2 base structure
From another angle.
the SPTR-2 base structure
And another. I don't know who that person is, doesn't look like ironworker Andy Dishneau that wintered with me that year.

This base structure was erected during the week before I showed up for my 2008 winter. All of the above photos are from the FEMC construction files I found on the common drive, except for the one marked (JM) which was taken by Jerry Marty, and the 2008-09 photo marked (ED) from Ella Derbyshire.

Photos of the 2008-09 buildout and completion of this facility are here.

Continue on to the winter construction photos...

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